Monday, July 27, 2009

Web: Team Logo Design

Worked a little more on the Drug Addicted Robot logo. Went for something really simple, I'm pretty much content to leave it as is unless other people have ideas for it.

On the T-Shirt this would be a small bade on the back of the shirt, just below the collar. I'm still looking into finding a place to do the custom shirts.


Font licensing

If you are going to use TTF or SpriteFont files for fonts in the game - you need permission. Get the written consent from the author. See this thread about the current state of using fonts on the XBox.

Go here for fonts, but even though they are free, you must get written permission from the author.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Web: Logo Design

So I've been working on the logo a little in my downtime today, I mocked up some text and "icons" and came up with this.
It's still very much a work in progress (hence the mass amount of space). I plan to add an eagles head to the top of it and see how that looks. Took me about an hour to do this and another hour to do the mockups of other stuff, so if we're not happy with this one I can do something else.

Also, I had an idea for our little "studio". What about Drug Addicted Robot?


EDIT: Back from work and done a bunch more work on it. After bouncing some ideas around I decided to make a CIA-esque "badge" for it, too. Just for that little extra tongue-in-cheek. The badge is finished but I'll likely spend some more time on the actual logo yet.

EDIT: Spent some more time on it, threw around some more ideas. Came up with this:

EDIT: Final version until Monday and I get some feedback about how it looks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Term 3:

We are working together towards a beta release of a game created on PC, to run on an Xbox for the GO3 exhibition on the 1st to the 3rd of October.

Term 4:

Following that in we will be going into Tech Talks, QA, Bugfix and polish to cover the requirements of the course for that Term.

I will provide you all with DSAP's soon.

What are we doing right now?

We are planning.

This sprint will be only 15hours, as planning is fairly extensive for the commencement of the game projects. Following sprints will be around 24 hours including hopefully 3 hours of planning (want to keep planning short next time).

We are broken up into two main departments, Programming and Art. Of those traditional teams we have formed megescrum teams called Design, Sound and Web which comprise members from each team. There is also a Leads scrum.