Monday, August 17, 2009

Art Vision

I've been having some trouble imagining how the vector enviroments and pixel art characters will combine ever since we decided upon that as our art direction... this morning i started to think that the current pixel-esque art style of the characters would blend extremely well with TF2 style scenery.. so i took a screen shot in garrysmod and just dropped the characters in and i think it blends extremely well.
it has a "cartoony"/comic look about it and it allows us to make low poly models without sacraficing quality or leaving us looking amateur, that is of course if we can nail the textures.
Tell me what you guys think.. I'm probably not going to be doing much in ways of enviroments because the sprite art is turning out to be a huge task, but think it over and tell me if you guys feel comfortable going with in this direction artistically.



  1. Also.. In Space Moscow the KGB should have a secret mech team called the K-B-G's (killer Bee Gees)

  2. I've been trying to think of a name for the enemy space agency, too. XD

    I'd say try to get the one character sprite done and we can have other people edit it from there for other characters and the like. It's going to have to be done either way, we're too far in now to turn away from the sprite design saddly.

  3. Well thanks Scott. I found myself kept up all night thinking about how exactly we can work this out.

    I think the TF2 art style is definitely doable, it's basically a high contrast style. But I think we should take the simplicity even further and pixelize the graphics and artwork even further to blend even better with our graphics further.

    If doing these complex sprites is too much work Scott, then I think we should do them the same. Take them a step down from complexity, and do it fast. Do blown up sprites akin to what we did with BIT and take the comic book style to the more cartoony end of the spectrum.
