Thursday, August 13, 2009

Design - To Be Discussed

I know Peter had something in mind for a design meeting, but we didn't get to have it on Wednesday.

We still have a lot of stuff we need to discuss as a design team. I did write up a decently sized game design document but it's still incomplete. Mostly right now it covers characters and story, but it's all subject to your thoughts. You can download it here.

Right now the things we need to cover are:
  • Weapons and Armor (What they are. How they effect the character exactly.)
  • One-Hit Kill Weapons (How exactly they will function and what their effects are.)
  • AI Allies (How exactly they will function and what their effects are.)
  • Level layout (How long do we want the game to be played? How many fights in one level?)
  • Level artwork (What sort of art style do we want? How are we going to do it?)
  • UI (Do we want text popping up on screen when characters talk, or do we want no talking at all?)
  • Storytelling (How exactly is the humor going to work? Is it all visual? Are we happy with the story written so far?)
This is only a spur-of-the-moment list, so if you have anything you wish to add I suggest you add to it. But I'm going to say we need to have an extended design meeting on Monday, get all this stuff ironed out, and move on with creating the code and artwork for it all for the rest of this project.

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